Innovations Needed In Lending for SMEs.Good day. It is my pleasure to be invited to deliver my perspective on this topic. I will not attempt to pretend to be an expert in either…Jan 8Jan 8
Now that you have have won the electionIt was George Bush who was quoted as saying that a President should already have decided on what to do before being elected as the vagaries…Apr 2, 2023Apr 2, 2023
Defending Our VillagesNigeria has slowly regressed to a pre-colonial era where tribes raid other tribes in order to gain land or take slaves or simply to…May 3, 2021May 3, 2021
Sponsor A School MakerClubMy name is James Agada. Don't worry, I am not the kid in the picture. I am a lifelong programmer, inventor, and entrepreneur. After…Nov 26, 2019Nov 26, 2019
Two Questions For A new Bank CEOMy friend Wally has just informed me that he is taking up a role as the new CEO of a new Bank. Amid all the congratulations, I was…Jun 3, 2019Jun 3, 2019
Weaponized Ip and Collateral Damage: Lessons from Huawei vs USThe month of May, 2019 will remain a historical threshold in the annals of Technology, Innovation and Intellectual Property (IP).On May16…May 24, 2019May 24, 2019
Kill The Mosquito — A 5 Why look at Nigerian Health care system.Why am I bothering with health? The easy answer is that health is wealth. The preservation of life is of the highest priority. I’ve also…Mar 15, 2019Mar 15, 2019